Wednesday, September 16, 2009


You never know what your capable of till your put in a position where you have to dig deep into yourself and really find strength that you never new you even had......Thats what has happend this past year since having our last daughter Emerson, we were so happy to finally have our completed family, I new it was our last and the feeling I had the day I came home from the hospital were nothing but pure Joy for I new that I was in a new stage in my life were I could enjoy watching my kids just grow and turn into little people......In a flash that has seemed to change......Emerson has undergone an Ultra sound, M.R.I and EEG test to determine that indeed she is a special baby that will not be like our other 3 children....She has what is called Polymicrogyria (P.M.G.) and with that come seizures...long ones( Status Epilepticus) that seems to go on forever.....1hour...2hours......standing in the E.R watching your baby helplessly as the doctors try and stop the seizure inserting needles and tubes......why is this happening to us...why us.......why not someone else's family...this is not what I signed up for...I wanted a perfect family.....with perfect children, to deal with easier problems.....Not this.....but when its all over you look back and realize like we have that you get through move learn more about your self and what you can handle.....and you prepare yourself for the next hurdle that may come......using your strength........that you never new you had......

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
~Nehemiah 8:10