Friday, June 17, 2011

The Harsh Reality.....

I have sat down to read my last post.....and realizing it was over a year ago almost to the day that Emerson had her big seizure, I want to sit down and write how fabulous life has been since we moved to Australia but the truth is its been hard.....really hard.....the homesickness I can deal with, the kids crying because they miss their friends and family, I can deal with and even the huge culture shock you get when you realize you have moved your family to the "red-neck hills" of Queensland. But what I'm finding is the most difficult is the guilt I get everyday when I wake up and realize that Emerson will not get the therapy she needs today. She will most likely hang out in her bean bag chair, swing or special chair because I have to make breakfast and get the other children ready for school. You see in Canada Emmie was able to get 2 whole hours EVERYDAY with a physiotherapist paid for by the she get 1 hour every MONTH paid for by the government, sure she get flashy new chairs and bed and standing frame but no one to interact with her and I'm stretched so thin that the guilt is wearing me down......Did I do the right thing in moving here?? why didn't I look into what was offered first before we packed up and shipped out? Am I doing all that I can here to give her the best quality of life??
I do know one thing......I can't give up.......I must learn, source, read and kick and scream more so the government hears my yells!

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much."
~Mother Teresa~