Sunday, September 17, 2006


John and I have been flat out like a couple of lizards drinking (as they say in Australia when you're very busy) running around and preparing for the arrival of our third baby and to add to our delight, as most of you already know, also moving into a brand spanking new house. But we thought hey....lets add to our busy lives another huge responsability and start up our own buisness and make some more life altering decisions, so we have started a new company called Auscan Earthmoving Ltd.
So far so good, I have been doing alot of reading and learning about how to do our books with the help of an accountant and have been enjoying learning new things. I think that my mind was starting to turn to jello and needed some new knowledge, and this has definitely filled that void.
I have been what they call "nesting" and have completely packed up our house except for the things we use on a day to day basis and sorted ,organized and thrown out anything that I haven't seen or touched in the last 2 years and wow I now have nothing......It feels great. Less to move I guess.
So yes, I have been keeping myself and family quit busy and will be ready for the next coming few months with new baby, house and job.
I hope all is well in your lives and you too are keeping busy.I will keep you posted.

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