Monday, October 29, 2007

We've done it again !!

As most of you know, my hubby and I are having baby number I come into the home stretch with only 4 more weeks I feel complete....I was a little iffy about ending it a three and knew that I was meant to bring one more child into this world.

I have now come to realize that the most important job in a woman's life is to rear her children, not just give birth to them (or in some women's cases adopt them)but to teach them how to love life around them and give them protection, direction, and instill in them the ability to know right from wrong.

People think I'm nuts.....but what else is more important than our children ???

Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. ~C. Everet Koop, M.D.~

Monday, June 18, 2007

A New Sport!!

Ive come up with a new sport..its called extreme breastfeeding!!!
Equipment needed:
1. Baby with sharp, newly sprung baby teeth and
2. a set of breasts!

No rules so to speak but it involves:
- Heaps of "enjoyment" for the baby and anyone else in the room!!
- Tonnes of sweating with minor effort
- And also a suprisingly large amount of anxiety!

Now for any mom who has had the pleasure of feeding a baby with teeth you can relate and for the rest of thankful!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Here are a few recent pics of the family to those of you who live far and away !!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Is It Booger or Banana ?

The other day I'm sitting on the floor with the baby and look over beside me and to my disgust I see this gross glob on the floor; now to the mothers that are reading this, I'm sure you have had one of these moments where your scared to touch what could either be a piece of food or something much worse, so apon futher investigation I find the unknown to be just a dropped piece of banana but as I fiddle with the paper towel roll in one hand and hold the baby in another, I think to myself that I couldn't have ever imagined that someday I would be scraping some untantilizing slime off the floor in my P.J's.
Now if someone had told me that things like this went on during the early years of child rearing I maybe would have reconsidered having children or tried to avoid these sticky situations by completly wrapping my house in saran wrap, either way I must come to terms with the fact that having small children will make you ask yourself the question, "Is it a booger or a banana?"
"He who laughs, lasts."
~Mary Pettibone Poole~

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Assembly Line

When I had the first baby it took me hours to get up and out of the house to go somewhere ( Auntie .G. can vouch for that) and I ended up having enough stuff with me that I looked like I was headed on a month long excursion.
Then when baby number two came around I was a little more efficient but still trying to master getting myself and two children ready.
But now with the third baby its all coming an assemly line..... the only difference is this assemly line never sits still , runs away when you call and occasionally vomits on themselves after production has ceased and convienently this is usually done once production is almost at its deadline.
So who knows maybe with more children getting out of the house becomes easier and easier.........or......... maybe not.
"Parenthood is pretending the present you love the most is soap-on-a-rope."
~Bill Cosby~

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Autumn !!

Seems like only yesterday I was in the birthing centre in Mackay, Australia screaming my lungs out bringing Autumn into this world and with no drugs to blur my memory I remember so much detail about that wonderful day. Its funny to think that it was already two years ago our little girl breathed her first breath. She has been a blessing from day one although she was a difficult baby in the beginning she has turned out to be such a well tempered girl with such a sweet spirit.
John and I both find it hard to be stern with her because she just smiles at you if you show the slightest bit of assertivness and then looks at you with huge blue eyes as if to say, " your not mad at me are you? " and so today, I wish her a happy birthday and tell her not to grow up to fast because she is our baby girl and will always be our little girl !!!!