Monday, October 29, 2007

We've done it again !!

As most of you know, my hubby and I are having baby number I come into the home stretch with only 4 more weeks I feel complete....I was a little iffy about ending it a three and knew that I was meant to bring one more child into this world.

I have now come to realize that the most important job in a woman's life is to rear her children, not just give birth to them (or in some women's cases adopt them)but to teach them how to love life around them and give them protection, direction, and instill in them the ability to know right from wrong.

People think I'm nuts.....but what else is more important than our children ???

Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. ~C. Everet Koop, M.D.~

1 comment:

Jaime Germann said...

I feel that same way. I love being with my kids but also teaching them. I know somedays are worse than others but I live for those moments when I see how much they have grown as a human being and becoming their own person. I really love the fact that our kids will look after and love each other.