Thursday, January 25, 2007

Assembly Line

When I had the first baby it took me hours to get up and out of the house to go somewhere ( Auntie .G. can vouch for that) and I ended up having enough stuff with me that I looked like I was headed on a month long excursion.
Then when baby number two came around I was a little more efficient but still trying to master getting myself and two children ready.
But now with the third baby its all coming an assemly line..... the only difference is this assemly line never sits still , runs away when you call and occasionally vomits on themselves after production has ceased and convienently this is usually done once production is almost at its deadline.
So who knows maybe with more children getting out of the house becomes easier and easier.........or......... maybe not.
"Parenthood is pretending the present you love the most is soap-on-a-rope."
~Bill Cosby~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.