Saturday, June 07, 2008

Baby Emerson....

Well, we are elated to announce our new baby girl has arrived. She came into this world on Sunday, May 25th with dark brown hair, dark eyes and olive skin (very similar to aiden). She weighted in as the smallest at a tiny 6lbs 15oz. 21 inches long. Having arrived on the expected due date we were suprised to find out that in fact she was a month early and was only between 36 and 37 weeks gestation, Which I now know was the reason for the longest and most difficult of all four deliveries....still a good size, she is healthy and happy and resembles "kazoo" off the Flintstones.

She has yet to cry, never fusses and sleeps wonderfully, I prayed soooo hard for an easy going baby and got one.....I feel most complete yet very saddened when I think about Emerson as being our last child. I know a new chapter is opening up to John and I and we are both looking forward to watching our children grow up but will ALWAYS want them as our babies.

Aiden has taken the role of "big brother" very seriously and loves to touch her head and hold her every chance he can, we are very proud of the young, little man he is becoming. Autumn thinks she is a doll and if given the chance would be using her to "play house", very ammusing and Kade, well, he just wants to poke her eyes out at every chance he gets so we are always on guard.....although he learning that being "gentle" has its perks as well....

I hope to have some good pictures posted on here very soon so stay tuned!!!

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.~ Kahlil Gibran~


Anonymous said...

im very proud of u keep the comments coming because i enjoy reading tha blogs every day. You are such a good writer. u shud start a moms website of some sort because if anyone knows about mom stuff it would be you!! i love you and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

that was sent by your mother by the way.. lol