Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Adventure!

Its Monday April day closer to packing up and leaving Canada......permanently. I'm moving to go on an adventure with my family, to a new land with new opportunity's, new people, a new home....ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted a farm.....I should have been a little more specific about what country I wanted it in but still all the same, I am excited. Excited to be able to have my own dog, own horse, chickens, pigs, baby lambs......I even asked big J if we could have a milking cow.....he said we would need one anyway for the potty calf's that loose there mothers or are abandon.
I have explained to the children what is about to happen over the next few months and the major transition that the whole family is about to go through and aside from the few tears about leaving there friends and cousins, I feel that the adjustment period won't be too traumatizing for them....John and I will be moving to 300 acres of beautiful, tropical land with well established mango, avocado, orange and lemon tree's and approx. 200 head of cattle.....why would you NOT want to go?? Having lived in Australia for a year and a half before, I know what to expect, the friendly people, crazy S-L-O-W drivers, the easy way of life.....we'd be silly not to go......Today I will pack my first box......away we go.....

Adventure is Worthwhile~ Amelia Earhart

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Those were the days....

So it's snowing again, and here I sit at my computer looking out into the valley all covered with white, cold, and ever so Canadian weather........I love this stuff! It's what all the best memories are made of, sledding all day till your snot freezes to your face only to lick it off and keep sliding till your called in to come home or your toes fall off, usually the toes were what brought you in, tingling and burning, oh, but it was always worth the pain.......those were the days.....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spring? Are you there??

Here we are, just em and I watching sun move up over the foothills of our beautiful Alberta landscape, its warm out side for January weather, +1 c it almost feels like spring is already here and the earth is playing a nasty trick. I want to go out side and begin digging in the garden beds, but I know winter is still here...hiding....ready to pop up and scare the snow pants ON us any day soon.
We should enjoy the warm weather while it's here so tonight, we will go for a evening walkabout around our tiny town, get some fresh air and take in the sights of our pretend spring and then come home for a cup of hot chocolate and snuggle down and watch a movie......ahhhhh that sounds so inviting right now.....

Fantastic! Right in the middle of that long stretch between Christmas and Spring Break, your coats are getting dirty, everything's dark, dingy - what a great time for a movie!
~John Hughes~