Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Adventure!

Its Monday April day closer to packing up and leaving Canada......permanently. I'm moving to go on an adventure with my family, to a new land with new opportunity's, new people, a new home....ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted a farm.....I should have been a little more specific about what country I wanted it in but still all the same, I am excited. Excited to be able to have my own dog, own horse, chickens, pigs, baby lambs......I even asked big J if we could have a milking cow.....he said we would need one anyway for the potty calf's that loose there mothers or are abandon.
I have explained to the children what is about to happen over the next few months and the major transition that the whole family is about to go through and aside from the few tears about leaving there friends and cousins, I feel that the adjustment period won't be too traumatizing for them....John and I will be moving to 300 acres of beautiful, tropical land with well established mango, avocado, orange and lemon tree's and approx. 200 head of cattle.....why would you NOT want to go?? Having lived in Australia for a year and a half before, I know what to expect, the friendly people, crazy S-L-O-W drivers, the easy way of life.....we'd be silly not to go......Today I will pack my first box......away we go.....

Adventure is Worthwhile~ Amelia Earhart


Coralee said...

You need to write - love reading your words. From someone who goes on a great deal of adventures - you will not regret it nor will your kids. Friends will be made and cousins will visit. Use to video chat, keep sharing on your blog and FB so your family can see and hear what is going on. As long and you have "J" and the kids together your family will thrive. Happy Packing - garage sales are your friend :-)
<3 Auntie Coralee

Anonymous said...

tears are flowing.... the fact that you and your family are leaving us soon is hitting and it hurts... Thank God for the internet and Skype and pictures and airplanes, and phones! And, yes, my dream of going to Australia may (next year) become a reality. If there is anything I can do to help to prepare for your move, call. I promise I will only say positive things to the kids so they won't be sad they're leaving, although I will really try not to cry as I say them. I love you SO MUCH Lindsey and your family is SO ADORABLE. We are going to miss the family get-togethers BIG TIME. Auntie G XO