Monday, July 21, 2014

Comfort Bubble

Its been 4 years now living in Queensland Australia.  In the beginning I was wondering WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING!!!??? But after this short amount of time we have begun to settle in nicely,  and are beginning the process of building our second home (YAY!), but I still scream when I find a HUGE spiders in my laundry room, I'm always on the lookout for snakes, the word flood has taking on a whole new meaning (and I secretly get excited about cyclone season) I miss Canada.......... the seasons, the fresh airy smells, the friendly and polite way Canadians are, Long summer nights, the great service in restaurants, the way you can run in a field and not worry about what can bite you, the smooth highways, the way is smells when it rains, they way a summer storm moves across the Alberta prairies and the way a warm chinook breeze flows over the Rocky Mountains in winter and how blooms push through the snow in early spring.........okay, so maybe I still miss ALOT about Canada and always probably will...... but I am in a transition between missing Canada and beginning to appreciate Australia.
   Australia is truly beautiful, the sunsets are stunning, the beaches are vast, kangaroos are fun to watch, I haven't seen a koala yet but I'm told they have them here, and I like the way it smells like tea tree oil after a hard rain in the heat of summer and If you are a keen bug lover than you will truly be in heaven here as they are EVERYWHERE, just beware EVERYTHING bites.

  But I am learning that having stepped outside my comfort bubble and leaving Canada has shown me I can do anything if I put my mind to it, nobody ever wants to leave what they know, their friends, their family but if you don't how do you grow as a person? Not saying you have to move to the other side of the world to discover a new you............I have learned so much and met so many interesting people, I learned to drive a tractor and slash a paddock, discovered a weed that moves by itself if you touch the leaves, spider really aren't out to attack you and yes, there ARE jumping spiders but I watched one jump off my kitchen cabinet and catch a fly!! Really quite amazing! Toilets in the southern hemisphere are bad ass and never clog because the water is pushed down from a middle spout with some serious force. No more embarrassing clogs at someone else's house!! They have wasp's that build little mud huts for their larva to develop in and fill it full of dead spiders so when the babies hatch they have food to eat......I now love wasp's. 

So many neat little tid bits to learn about and to discover about this world but most importantly to discover who you really are......I will always be a Canadian girl at heart but I can learn to appreciated my new world I'm surrounded in and the beauty it holds. Step outside your comfort bubble.....

  Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. 
  ~Helen Keller~

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