Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A VAN ???

Ok...so I love my kids but since having them I have all but lost my sense of class...so to speak.......I could care less about whos wearing what in hollywood or if my shoes match my purse or if my eye shadow is from this years must haves in cosmo but why am I finding it so difficult to buy a van? Does this vehical validate my sense of being ?....I see so many mothers driving them...happy and content...did they too cry at the thought having to run around town in a vehical that buy no means screams youth !!...
I hear that once you have one you never want to give it up and yes they are quite logical but at my age they just seem like a whole different world to me.
I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I realized that by having our third baby I would be sentencing myself to a good 5-7 years of driving something that I just wasn't ready for. ( I actually sobbed)
I'm a truck girl and always will be but if having my little bundles of joy means having to drive a hidious rocket shaped tube then so be it.
I will keep you posted on what color I pick !!


Anonymous said...

Hey Linds...

Your fave cousin here...I have finally made it to read your blog, it took me long enough. Very entertaining!! Keep writing, you are great at it!

Anonymous said...

From your very young wise, van driving Auntie......I went through exactly what you are when I bought our Sienna. Well I can tell you I have the Van and the bumper sticker "HOT CHICKS DRIVE MINI VANS"

Next car will be a Mustang!