Friday, August 18, 2006

Enjoy the summer

It would seem that winter is sneaking up on us very quickly. Just sitting outside on the deck for a few minutes and you see squirrals gathering food and the trees seemingly swaying the winds to come forth. We may have a month or two of nice weather but then winter will be apon us and hopefully the snow will come like it hasn't for years. Enough of this piddly fluff from above. I want to see real snow fall, the kind that actually covers all of the ground and enough to go sledding on and make snow angels with. The thought of how the trees look all covered in crisp new snow and teaching my kids to skate and bake cookies for christmas seems to overcome me with a smile. Such a nice thought isn't it? So I'm going to make the best of what is left of this year and take the time to notice the small stuff and hopefully you do too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great way to look at life, Lindsey! Your messages are inspiring too. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with all of us. Auntie Gaylene