Friday, August 04, 2006

These are My kids ??

As much as I love my kids, I have never been grossed out by anyone more so than my two darling children. Sure I bath them daily, cut there nails and clean there little ears but still they have there ways of making my stomach turn.
When my son was born 3 years ago I was thinking that boys would be harder to raise since they are made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails, but looking back I can only think of one stomach turning incident that made me gag. Aiden was "helping" my mother with laundry when all of a sudden I heard my mom yelling GROSS, GROSS, so I came running down stairs to see aiden being pulled away from the mop bucket licking his tiny little lips.
Here he had been a little thirsty and decided to have a drink out of the mop by sucking the dirty water out!!!!
Autumn on the other hand, has left me with so many incidents that recalling half of them would require serious hypnosis. She has a fasination with toilets that I will never understand and when she was still crawling anything left on the floor was fare game to enter her mouth. I've seen her eat australian dung beetles, dog poo, a dead fly, dust bunnies on the floor and this is just the few things that my subconscience will allow me to remember !! I thought that little girls were made of sugar and spice and everthing nice. well I was ripped off !!
On the other hand my children rarely get sick, my husband contributes that to all the "yukkies" over the years, and have a vast assortment of taste and I guess that what didnt kill them made their immune systems stronger.
So I will leave my stories to you to have a little chuckle, hope you weren't eating lunch, and say G'day until tommorrow.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
Herman Hesse

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