Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Great morning so far........aiden slept in till 9:30 and autumn is in such a pleasant mood. Received a phone call from my dad the smorning which was a nice change, he was in Turner Valley and wanted to have a look at our new house.
Now I just have to finish my morning coffee and continue packing up my bathroom........ you never realize how much crap you really have until you have to move it to another location.
I'm finding things I havent even seen in years and am wondering why I have been hanging on to them for so long...like who needs to carry around a little container of leg wax for five years?....well apperantly I do!!
I'm feeling lighter already and I know that the stuff I'm giving to Good Will will be put to good use.
I hope everyone will have a fantastic day and don't sweat the small stuff........and it's all small stuff.
"The time is always right to do what is right."
Martin Luther King, JR.

1 comment:

Coralee said...

Moving the best way of getting rid of crap. Auntie