Monday, August 28, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Last night John and I celebrated our 2nd wedding annivarsary. Wow time flys when you are having fun.
Its funny to think that we met only by fluke in a dingy night club three years ago and if the circumstances had been changed ever so slightly then we would have missed the opportunity of a life time. Thanks to an intoxicated friend who was "hooting" at my rear end, and john being so polite as to apoligize for his friends crude behavior, we could have never layed eyes on one another.
I feel blessed to have married the right person on the first try and feel in my heart that we were brought together by God even if it was in a night club.(I was always told never to find a mate in a bar!!) But he is my partner for life and am truly thankful.
We still find time to run around the house and wrestle and laugh and enjoy each others company at dinner. Sure we get busy with work and kids but he always kisses me before bed and tells me he loves me.
I could go on and on about how much he means to me and even have to choke back a few tears along the way but the fact of the matter is I did marry my best friend and true life companion.
So I say cheers to my best friend and lover......Happy Anniversary Honey,
may we keep on trucking through thick and thin, tears and laughter and poopy diapers in between...I love you more than beans and rice


Gamma G aka "G" said...

Wishing both John and you a life time of happiness!
Happy Anniversary,

Love Dad & Glenda

Coralee said...

Happy Anniversary! Auntie & Uncle C to many more years to ahead.