Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It Starts.....

Who new I would end up so happy and content being just a mother and wife at 23 years of age.
You meet a man, he likes you, you date, the next thing you know you having your third child in three years and are thrilled. Did I miss something here? All I heard growing up was "don't throw your life away and have kids"and "don't settle for some man" well I never. This seems like the most rewarding life I could have chosen for myself. I wish every woman in the world could have the opportunities I've been given.
A husband who could take care of his family if we all had to run to the hills and live off the land, yet be romantic with his wife and playful with his children.
I know now that I have made the best decision of my life to marry young and pop out a few offspring. When Im old and grey I will not regret my husband or my children for they are the ones that that keep me going. Who could resist a little boy that calls meatloaf "abalobe" or a husband that leaves his homeland to marry a woman with a new born baby. Not to many men in this world would give up what John has given up but he would say " I didn't give anything up but I gained everything" spoken like a true man!!
So I say to everyone that reads these written feelings, Enjoy your life for what you do have, not for what you think you need, and be truly thankful to be alive !!
The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed in the bosom of my family.
Thomas Jefferson


Coralee said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, Auntie

Anonymous said...

I've Read All Your Blogy Things And They Are Really Great. They Have Definatley Made Me Laugh And They're Interesting Too, Send Me An Email When You Get Some Other Stories Or Whatever on Here,Well Just Thought I'd Say Hello And I'll Talk To Ya Later. I Might Even Get my Own Little Blogger Space Too, anyway Cya bye


Anonymous said...

You really have a wonderful gift for the english language, I am hooked!

p.s. I (we) are so proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...

You're Dad nailed it, when he said you have a gift for the English Language. Don't lose it or throw it away. Someone who can writer that wonderfully, can definitely be used in a world where the arts are dying. Keep up the awesome work.