Sunday, December 17, 2006

Its A White Rocket !

I now understand what all the rage is van is great...thats right I said it, I bit the bullet and went and bought one. Its great. Its a 2006 white dodge grand caravan with under 20,000 km on it and its so fun to drive. I definitally wont be racing anyone off the line but its really fun to drive and turns on a dime. I used to have to look for a big spot in a parking lot to fit the truck but now my van fits anywhere. Its great. Kids love it too as Aiden enjoys sitting in the back with no sister to bug him. Did I mention its great ? I hope to make some long distance trips in the next few years and visit friends and family around north america with the help of my white rocket. Hope to see you soon, and thanks to auntie CoraLee for your support in this difficult buying dilemma....she new what it was like to buy a rocket at a young age too! :)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A VAN ??? I love my kids but since having them I have all but lost my sense of to speak.......I could care less about whos wearing what in hollywood or if my shoes match my purse or if my eye shadow is from this years must haves in cosmo but why am I finding it so difficult to buy a van? Does this vehical validate my sense of being ?....I see so many mothers driving them...happy and content...did they too cry at the thought having to run around town in a vehical that buy no means screams youth !!...
I hear that once you have one you never want to give it up and yes they are quite logical but at my age they just seem like a whole different world to me.
I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I realized that by having our third baby I would be sentencing myself to a good 5-7 years of driving something that I just wasn't ready for. ( I actually sobbed)
I'm a truck girl and always will be but if having my little bundles of joy means having to drive a hidious rocket shaped tube then so be it.
I will keep you posted on what color I pick !!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hanging Around the New House !!

Here are few pictures of the family in the last month.....mind the messes in the background !!!
From the top we have Aiden and Autumn posing for the camera.....then Autumn snuggling up in Kades chair where she has her naps every once in a while and moving down we have "mother" Autumn. Next is Grandma Forsyth holding the newest member and finally we have the silly, plump 2nd born showing off her stylish new do !!
More picture still to come.....keep posted.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kader, kader pumpkinader....

My little pumpkin is a joy.....he sleeps through the night and never crys...why couldn't all children be this easy......well, we all would have 10 kids running around thats why..... I think God must throw in a colic baby to tell us to stop and since none of my kids have suffered from colic maybe I should keep on having them.........

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A New Home...

We have recently moved into our new home in Turner Valley, AB and I must say it feels great. It was a bit crazy to move a week after having kade but with a couple of our good friends helping us it all came together. (Justin and Paul you are a pair of Angels)
Looking out of our kitchen windows we have a great view of the river valley but that will be short lived because of all the building and expanding of the community. Already since John and I have moved in they have put up 5 new home around us.
Its very rewarding knowing that all the scrimping and saving has paid off and we are already planning for our next home.
Hope all is well with all of you in your busy lives ......and cheers !!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Our New Addition !!!

Here is Kade William Nicholas.....our newest member of the family, born at 3:02 pm and weighing in as the smallest of the three kids at a nice 7lbs 2oz and 19.5 inches long. Our little red head bundle of joy.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Cutie Pies !!!!

My babies this summer...could they look any different? (and yes they have was just hot in the house that day)
I'm so curious as to what this next little boy will look like...will he have a full head of hair when he is born or will he have peach fuzz..Green eyes like mom or hazel eyes like his daddy. It's so fun playing a guessing game as to what they will look like for them to only come out like nothing you had imagined. Hopefully he will have his moms feet !!!
Just counting the days till he will arrive in this world but that too is out of our control. They never do come when you think you are ready and even when you think you are prepared your not !!!
I can't wait to meet him and introduce him to his big brother and sister. They will be just thrilled and confused all at the same time.......cant wait!!!
"Don't expect the best gifts to come wrapped in pretty paper"
H. Jackson Brown

Sunday, September 17, 2006


John and I have been flat out like a couple of lizards drinking (as they say in Australia when you're very busy) running around and preparing for the arrival of our third baby and to add to our delight, as most of you already know, also moving into a brand spanking new house. But we thought hey....lets add to our busy lives another huge responsability and start up our own buisness and make some more life altering decisions, so we have started a new company called Auscan Earthmoving Ltd.
So far so good, I have been doing alot of reading and learning about how to do our books with the help of an accountant and have been enjoying learning new things. I think that my mind was starting to turn to jello and needed some new knowledge, and this has definitely filled that void.
I have been what they call "nesting" and have completely packed up our house except for the things we use on a day to day basis and sorted ,organized and thrown out anything that I haven't seen or touched in the last 2 years and wow I now have nothing......It feels great. Less to move I guess.
So yes, I have been keeping myself and family quit busy and will be ready for the next coming few months with new baby, house and job.
I hope all is well in your lives and you too are keeping busy.I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Relaxing Long Weekend

Well, thats it for the long weekends for this summer, which john used to his advantage by building the kids a set of bunkbeds. When John brought home a pile of logs and told me he was going to build beds out of it I was thinking that it would take months to build.
Nope, one long weekend was all it took for my man to make the nicest set of bunks I have ever seen.
My John-John may have trouble picking up his dirty laundry from time to time but man, he sure can build things. This is his second bed he has made, the first one was our bed which is a king size made of Australian woods.....It too is beautiful! The weekend was perfect just my family and I...nothing better than that.
Spending a whole weekend at home with no place to go is well recomended. Just wanted to share our weekend with you all hope you had a productive weekend as well !!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Last night John and I celebrated our 2nd wedding annivarsary. Wow time flys when you are having fun.
Its funny to think that we met only by fluke in a dingy night club three years ago and if the circumstances had been changed ever so slightly then we would have missed the opportunity of a life time. Thanks to an intoxicated friend who was "hooting" at my rear end, and john being so polite as to apoligize for his friends crude behavior, we could have never layed eyes on one another.
I feel blessed to have married the right person on the first try and feel in my heart that we were brought together by God even if it was in a night club.(I was always told never to find a mate in a bar!!) But he is my partner for life and am truly thankful.
We still find time to run around the house and wrestle and laugh and enjoy each others company at dinner. Sure we get busy with work and kids but he always kisses me before bed and tells me he loves me.
I could go on and on about how much he means to me and even have to choke back a few tears along the way but the fact of the matter is I did marry my best friend and true life companion.
So I say cheers to my best friend and lover......Happy Anniversary Honey,
may we keep on trucking through thick and thin, tears and laughter and poopy diapers in between...I love you more than beans and rice

Friday, August 25, 2006

My Two Cents

Lying in bed last night i was thinking that so often we get caught up in the day to day life; bills, deadlines, practices and pressures that we forget why we were put here on this earth.
Have you ever helped someone with something so small like, holding open a door for a person or offered assistance to an elderly person on an icy street. When you walk away you have a good feeling in your body.
Why do we get that good feeling?
I think that it's because we are doing what is right.......helping one another.
That is what we should try and do everyday if we can is help someone in some way. It may seem insignificant at the time but you never know, maybe that friendly smile to a stranger may have been just the thing that person needs.
"Where there is love there is life."
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Great morning so far........aiden slept in till 9:30 and autumn is in such a pleasant mood. Received a phone call from my dad the smorning which was a nice change, he was in Turner Valley and wanted to have a look at our new house.
Now I just have to finish my morning coffee and continue packing up my bathroom........ you never realize how much crap you really have until you have to move it to another location.
I'm finding things I havent even seen in years and am wondering why I have been hanging on to them for so who needs to carry around a little container of leg wax for five years?....well apperantly I do!!
I'm feeling lighter already and I know that the stuff I'm giving to Good Will will be put to good use.
I hope everyone will have a fantastic day and don't sweat the small stuff........and it's all small stuff.
"The time is always right to do what is right."
Martin Luther King, JR.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Cabin Fever

Alright, I have been in the house for too long. Its time for some fresh air and a little bit of nature. I find myself out of breath just doing basic house work and the kids are climbing the walls (literally, I had to explain to autumn that she can't climb the brick around the fire place)
So we will be off in a few minutes to enjoy our world around us, I'm sure I will have to tell Aiden to wait up for me as my walk has now turned into a unattractive duck waddle and will most certainly pull a ant or two out of Autumns mouth at least once along the way.
So I encourage you to get a least a bit of fresh air today and hear the birds or if your in the city the sounds of police. Have a great Day and enjoy all that life has to offer.
"Life is too important to be taken seriously."
Oscar Wilde

Friday, August 18, 2006

Enjoy the summer

It would seem that winter is sneaking up on us very quickly. Just sitting outside on the deck for a few minutes and you see squirrals gathering food and the trees seemingly swaying the winds to come forth. We may have a month or two of nice weather but then winter will be apon us and hopefully the snow will come like it hasn't for years. Enough of this piddly fluff from above. I want to see real snow fall, the kind that actually covers all of the ground and enough to go sledding on and make snow angels with. The thought of how the trees look all covered in crisp new snow and teaching my kids to skate and bake cookies for christmas seems to overcome me with a smile. Such a nice thought isn't it? So I'm going to make the best of what is left of this year and take the time to notice the small stuff and hopefully you do too!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Rolie Polie Olie

I am finally narrowing into the home stretch of my third pregnancy and really feeling .....well....huge. Friends say" wow you look great" but are they thinking "wow your butt is the size of the titanic" and just being good friends and saying what will make me feel good? Either way it's hard to convince me that I do look ok. So only 8 more weeks of self hatred towards my rear and then Im free.... free to sleep on my tummy and bend over and pick up toys without holding my breath or lie on my back without feeling dizzy.
My husband is very understanding and tells me how beautiful I am carrying his child...he says he loves my new curves and offers to run to the store for any of my sweet cravings. I should probably be taking full advantage of this special treatment, but just don't have the heart to send him down the street for a chocolate bar at 10:30 at night.
So I will endure the eight more weeks of pregnancy with a positive additude, because I am truly blessed to even be pregnant, and take each each day with a greatful heart.
Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.
Merete Leonhardt-Lupa

Monday, August 14, 2006

Thank You !!!!

It's so nice to hear that other people enjoy what I have to write. In my head It's just mindless banter but to hear that other family members enjoy reading my thoughts it makes me feel, well, special......not the" I need help walking and talking " kind of special but the" warm and fuzzy" kind of special that you can only get from a family members warm words of encouragement. So a thank you to those of you who responded and cheers !!!
love you all!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

These are My kids ??

As much as I love my kids, I have never been grossed out by anyone more so than my two darling children. Sure I bath them daily, cut there nails and clean there little ears but still they have there ways of making my stomach turn.
When my son was born 3 years ago I was thinking that boys would be harder to raise since they are made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails, but looking back I can only think of one stomach turning incident that made me gag. Aiden was "helping" my mother with laundry when all of a sudden I heard my mom yelling GROSS, GROSS, so I came running down stairs to see aiden being pulled away from the mop bucket licking his tiny little lips.
Here he had been a little thirsty and decided to have a drink out of the mop by sucking the dirty water out!!!!
Autumn on the other hand, has left me with so many incidents that recalling half of them would require serious hypnosis. She has a fasination with toilets that I will never understand and when she was still crawling anything left on the floor was fare game to enter her mouth. I've seen her eat australian dung beetles, dog poo, a dead fly, dust bunnies on the floor and this is just the few things that my subconscience will allow me to remember !! I thought that little girls were made of sugar and spice and everthing nice. well I was ripped off !!
On the other hand my children rarely get sick, my husband contributes that to all the "yukkies" over the years, and have a vast assortment of taste and I guess that what didnt kill them made their immune systems stronger.
So I will leave my stories to you to have a little chuckle, hope you weren't eating lunch, and say G'day until tommorrow.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
Herman Hesse

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what am I again ??

Last time I looked I thought I was just a woman with some dreams of seeing the world, maybe trying some new exotic foods and meeting new people.
Now, after two children, when I look in the mirror I know that Im not just a woman...I am a nurse that fixes scraped knees and removes splinters, a great story teller that uses different voices for each character in a book, a lawyer that mediates disputes among screaming clients, a chef that caters to the fussiest of customers, a laundry maid, cleaning maid, and gardener, secretary and over all foreman to a working and functioning family company.
Some would say that a woman looses herself in becoming a wife and mother but I would say I found myself and so much more.
Sure, there are times when you want to go to the washroom in peace without kids banging on the door shouting "mom" repeatedly or take a shower before ten O'clock at night or just pamper yourself by curling your hair once a month to remind your husband why he married you, but how boring life would be if we had no children and only took care of ourselves.
A Woman will truly learns new things about herself that she didn't know she was capable of when she runs a family.
But remember to take time outs for yourself and put your needs first because if you don't then you will loose who you are. You can't take care of a family if you can't take care of your self first.
So I will leave you with my thoughts on life for today and hope that you take them into account in your own life.
Children are the purpose of life. We were once children and someone took care of us. Now it is our turn to care.
Cree Elder

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It Starts.....

Who new I would end up so happy and content being just a mother and wife at 23 years of age.
You meet a man, he likes you, you date, the next thing you know you having your third child in three years and are thrilled. Did I miss something here? All I heard growing up was "don't throw your life away and have kids"and "don't settle for some man" well I never. This seems like the most rewarding life I could have chosen for myself. I wish every woman in the world could have the opportunities I've been given.
A husband who could take care of his family if we all had to run to the hills and live off the land, yet be romantic with his wife and playful with his children.
I know now that I have made the best decision of my life to marry young and pop out a few offspring. When Im old and grey I will not regret my husband or my children for they are the ones that that keep me going. Who could resist a little boy that calls meatloaf "abalobe" or a husband that leaves his homeland to marry a woman with a new born baby. Not to many men in this world would give up what John has given up but he would say " I didn't give anything up but I gained everything" spoken like a true man!!
So I say to everyone that reads these written feelings, Enjoy your life for what you do have, not for what you think you need, and be truly thankful to be alive !!
The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed in the bosom of my family.
Thomas Jefferson